
Poolview FAQs

Last Updated: 10 Jun 2024

What is a drowning detection system?
A drowning detection system uses a series of cameras to monitor the pool. At Aqua Vale Swimming & Fitness Centre, will use Poolview Iris, a proactive, and reactive software and hardware system for detecting potential drowning incidents in swimming pools. It continuously scans the water to detect any signs of swimmers getting into difficulty, alongside detecting a lack of or irregular movement in the pool. Should it detect these signs, the system alerts lifeguards to support them in providing safe and timely assistance.

Will the drowning detection system mean the number of lifeguards on poolside is reduced?
Drowning detection systems are designed to support the work of lifeguards. The number of lifeguards on duty is still determined by zone visibility tests, the activities taking place in the water and the bather load within the pool. The additional visibility that the system allows is also considered and means it will not always be necessary to have a second or third lifeguard surveying the pool in order to achieve the required levels of visibility.

Who can view the footage?
The footage can only be viewed in real-time by the lifeguards on duty. It is viewed through a monitor installed on their elevated pool-side chair and is not accessible to anyone else. Access to the recorded images is strongly restricted to senior managers, who only review the footage in the case of an incident. These senior colleagues are trained in data protection policies and carry out training every year months to ensure they understand and adhere to data protection laws.

How long is data from the system stored for?
All data collected by the Poolview Iris system is subject to General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018. In accordance to this, footage is stored for a maximum of seven days, after this, the footage is automatically deleted. Footage will only ever be stored for longer than the seven days if it provides evidence for an incident that requires investigation.

How is the data from the system stored?
For the seven days that the data is stored, it will remain on site in a locked cabinet within the manager’s office. All data is located on a closed and segregated network, protected by firewalls which is only accessible via a VPN that holds three levels of password security.

How have customers been informed about the installation of the systems?
Notices are displayed in our centre, specifically where the drowning detection systems are installed. The notices inform customers that CCTV monitoring and a drowning detection system are in operation in the interest of health and safety.

If an incident required the footage to be kept for more than seven days, how is it stored?
As previously stated, footage will only ever be stored for longer than the seven days if it has recorded an incident that requires investigation. On the rare occasion that this happens, the footage will be downloaded onto an encrypted hard-drive and stored in a secure safe. The only people with access to the safe and hard drive are approved senior colleagues. The footage will be securely destroyed as soon as it is no longer relevant to an investigation.